Italy Hates Tall People

Friday, August 3, 2018
Hello; this post is brought to you by Morgan.

Have you ever been to Italy?
If so, you know it's made for short people. From doorways, to showers, to seating, to hanging decor, there's nowhere a tall person fit super comfortably.

For our honeymoon we decided to travel to Venice and Florence. It was such a great trip, but we laughed the whole way at how hard it was for Andy to fit places.

Several times the Italians would make comments about how tall he is. "Why aren't you shorter?"

But one of the funniest places we discovered was the Doge's Palace. Underneath are the tiny, depressing spaces where they used to keep prisoners. We walked through and continually came across suddenly low ceilings like this one.

Andy is a whole head taller than the ceiling. It made for some uncomfortable squeezes and some great laughs.

Where have you been that you don't fit? Have you had international travel troubles? Let us know in the comments!

Go Do Great Things!

Can Tall People Ride Horses?

Friday, July 27, 2018
Hey there, Andy writing.

Have you ever if wondered can a tall people ride horses? What if happens if your horse is too small? Will my legs scrape the ground?

Well just a few short months into dating Morgan we had a date go terribly wrong. It was one of those dates where no matter what you do nothing goes to plan and at the end of the night I was so embarrassed.

I pride myself on having amazing dates and that night was anything but. So I told Morgan for our next date I was going to redeem myself. Our next date would be one we remembered forever.

I started looking for a great date idea. I searched the internet high and how looking for something legendary, until I finally found it. A place called "Callihan Adventure Trails" in the Blue Ridge Mountains.

We could drive up and ride their horses (with a guide) through some beautiful mountain trails. I did not tell Morgan what we were doing, just to be ready when I picked her up and to wear her outdoor shoes. 

"Surprise! We're going horseback riding!" Little did I know she had taken horseback riding lessons in middle school. She knew what she was doing. I had ridden a horse one or two times before but I had no idea what I was doing. The weather could not have been more perfect!

Our trail guides were kind and patient. They even gave me the largest horse they had! He was a BIG MAMA JAMMA but had a super gentle soul. He kinda moseyed around wherever he went. We had such a great time despite all my doubts on not having a jockey build. 

 Next on the list: Camels through the Sahara!

Have you ridden a horse? Were you worried about fitting like I was?
What other normal activities have you worried about fitting? Let us know!

Go Forth And Be Awesome!

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